The OGRA 2023 Asia webinar event was successful in attracting professionals from the architecture, design, construction, and development industries. The webinar titled "Utilizing Passive Design in a Tropical Climate" was conducted in response to the growing urgency of our responsibility to protect the planet by designing and constructing more sustainably.
    With the presence of well-known industry sources. Olivier Guilluy, Director of Onduline APAC, Felino "Jun" Palafox Jr., Principal Architect of Paradox Associates, Iwan Prijanto, Head of the Green Building Council (GBC) Indonesia, and Ivan Priatman, Principal Architect of Archimetric, were among the succession of speakers. These informants have extensive experience applying principles of continuous passive design.
    Alyssa, an experienced moderator, hosted the webinar for two days. Felino Palafox Jr. delivered a presentation on the significance of passive design in a tropical climate context on the first day of the conference, which occurred on August 1, 2023. He imparts knowledge on maximizing natural and energy resources in construction projects.
    In addition, Olivier Guilluy gave an insightful presentation on the most recent innovations and technologies applicable to eco-friendly building design.
    The previous OGRA recipient, Ramadhoni Dwi Payana (2015), shared his experiences in an engaging session. He discussed the difficulties and solutions involved in constructing sustainable buildings in tropical environments.
    Iwan Prijanto spoke on the second day, 2 August 2023, concerning green design principles and how to implement the most recent technology to achieve these objectives. Ivan Priatman also gave an inspiring presentation on the design of eco-friendly structures.
    This event also featured a session in which the 2017 OGRA winner, Astungkara Handyan A, described his successful implementation of passive design in his projects.
    The origins of the OGRA (Onduline Green Roof Awards) are fascinating and inspiring. In its first year, OGRA became a platform for stimulating innovation and global awareness of green roofs. Since the beginning, the award has provided a forum for experts, architects, and environmentalists to share innovative concepts for the design and implementation of sustainable green roofs. Each year, OGRA has been in the spotlight for initiatives that apply this green concept in a variety of cultural and environmental contexts.
    OGRA, however, began a new chapter in 2023. Reissa Siregar, Chairwoman of OGRA 2023, played an integral role in presenting the organization's vision and mission for the year at the highly anticipated event. With his commitment and leadership, OGRA 2023 exceeded expectations by placing a greater emphasis on sustainable green roof solutions in the context of rising environmental awareness. She brings this award with a new spirit by emphasizing cross-sectoral collaboration and the use of cutting-edge technology to create more effective and efficient green roofs. Through its initiatives, OGRA 2023 is a landmark that encourages greener and more sustainable environmental changes.
    Nisa, a young architect and participant, told us in an exclusive interview, "This webinar has presented me with invaluable insights. I am now more inspired to design environmentally responsible and sustainable buildings in the tropics." The other attendees also conveyed their appreciation for the event's success in presenting quality speakers and providing insightful information.
     Webinar OGRA 2023 Asia: Utilizing Passive Design in a Tropical Climate effectively demonstrates the dedication of architecture and development professionals to contribute to efforts to protect the environment. This event has facilitated the sharing of knowledge, experience, and innovative approaches to the design and construction of more sustainable buildings in tropical climates.  hopefully, the outcomes of this webinar will inspire positive and environmentally friendly behavior for the future of our planet.
isit the official OGRA 2023 Asia website at for more information on registration and the event schedule.